Location & Rescue

SITAL INTERNATIONAL Ltd. Is the pioneer in the area of international location & rescue of missing persons. The company has developed unique methods and strategies for location travelers with whom all communication has ceased. Cooperating with professional operatives worldwide the company implements its unique ability to utilize a well-established international network.

As the operational services provider, SITAL is mostly acting for CLAL Ltd., a leading Israeli insurance company, issuing a very unique type of insurance policy for location & rescue missing person coverage. Those policies are very attractive among most of the tens of thousands of Israeli youth traveling all over the world.

Livneh and Shai, the company directors, have extensive ties with the widest spectrum of connections on all of the five continents, including countries of the “third world”. SITAL maintains continuous communication with governments, Police, National security services and investigations and security firms, and can count on their dependable assistance on a permanent basis. All the above-mentioned – are in addition to SITAL’s professional experts. Israeli special forces veterans, mountaineers, divers (including professional frogmen), heights & snow conditions experts, navigators, paratroopers, experts for rescue activities – after earthquake and more.

SITAL Possesses vast resources of information on international destinations known for instability, high risks and irregular environmental conditions. Should the need arise, the company activates its own experts aside from locals who specialize in the various countries wherever events may have occurred.

SITAL’s unsurpassed investigative capacity and worldwide professional links have produced a proven success record in location and rescue. Many travelers and their families will attest to this success. In the general gamut of activities in which SITAL has been engaged, the company had planned and executed a variety of intricate and sophisticated operations.

In addition to its Israeli clients, Sital has many clients from numerous foreign countries, who call on Sital's assistance in this difficult field.

In light of SITAL’s experience, skills, capabilities and contact, the company has developed the first insurance policy of its kind and acting today in cooperation with CLAL – INSURANCE COMPANY Ltd. The policy has met with much success among young travelers. By the more virtue of its existence, the policy has managed to significantly diminish the worry and stress experienced by the families of the young travelers.

SITAL has been successful in locating hundreds of missing persons throughout the world, by implementing advanced investigation tactics and the professional connections the company has established and developed. Its success speaks for itself. The former missing persons and their families will attest to it.